

By October 27, 2016 No Comments

Kia ora e te whanau o Te Rawhiti.

Having been involved in several tangi/functions at our marae

over time, it struck me  how we have the same people time

and time again carrying out the “duties” that need to be

done at the marae during these functions – whether it be a

Tangi, a meeting, a hui or whatever.   Now, don’t get me wrong

Whanau, I am not pointing the finger, but, as I am at the marae

most times, I see you all there doing what needs to be done,

no questions asked, you all just slot in and get things cracking –

and do you know what??? – I’m the one that gets all the credit

by the different speakers/manuhiri/ who comment on the buzz

that gets things cracking at the back!   So, whanau I am not going

to name individuals, you are all so precious to the running of our

marae….. and as I said earlier, I’m the one that gets all the credit,

but let me tell you, I have a way of transposing that message from

me to our “go-hards” who are always present at the marae when

it comes to the crunch! ….I just thought I’d mention that my people,

No reira, keep coming to the marae and slot in with whatever has

To be done – AND MY BIG THANKS TO YOU GUYS….arohanui,

Auntie Ma.

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