Fisheries PlanPast Projects

Fisheries Plan Overview

By May 25, 2009 No Comments

The overview of Fisheries Research completed, in process and to be done

  1. Completed Maunganui baseline research
  2. Completed Urupukapuka baseline eel grass research
  3. Final Maunganui report filed
  4. Final Ipipiri Traditional Oral History report to be filed December 19,2008
  5. Initial discussions with NIWA Scallops Researcher completed 20.11.08. – Scallop ropes to be placed November 30, 2008
  6. Initial discussions with NIWA eel grass researchers completed 21.11.08. Proposal for re-planting to be formed for funders for January 2009.


Three year plan for rohe moana.

First year plan: 2009

  • Complete NIWA proposal for eel grass survey, wait for funding
  • Monitor Northern Scallop Enhancement at Maunganui re-seed project.
  • S186a application for area in Maunganui for 2 year ban on all fishing
  • Mataitai preparation of application for Maunganui/ discuss with nga hapu. Lodge application
  • Investigate land based aquaculture at Te Rawhiti

Second year plan: 2010

  • Mataitai: Establish management group for mataitai. Establish management plan for mataitai. Carry out surveys in mätaitai area
  • Research/Education:Update Management Plan with outcomes of research projects
  • Develop eel grass research re-planting , monitoring series of test areas
  • Develop re-seeding scallops in series of test areas
  • Develop pipi/mussel research and replanting beds.
  • Develop land based aquaculture

Third year plan: 2011

  • Mataitai Monitor mätaitai management. Review research. Review rohe moana plan
  • Continue eel grass/scallops/pipi/mussel monitoring
  • Develop land based aquaculture

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