Maranga mai e Te iwi o Ngati Kuta me Patukeha. Nga mihi nui kia koutou katoa.
Kaumatua, Kuia and committed whanau members have been toiling away in the background, working towards having our historical grievances against the CROWN heard in front of the WAITANGI Tribunal. They are doing this for their Hapu. Ngati Kuta Patukeha.
Every month at Te Rawhiti Marae we have a Hapu Hui. From this hui the decisions of both Hapu are made. They need your help.
What are your ideas for the aspirations of Nga Hapu Ngati Kuta Patukeha?
What structure should we have for post treaty settlements?
It is time e whanau ma, to come to the party, share your skills, ideas and help our Hapu to start being proactive. We have opportunities within our Rohe that if we don’t grab them, someone else will and we will miss out. We are making decisions on your behalf. If you don’t take an interest it lessens our success.
Register on our Hapu register. Do it for Nga Tamariki me Nga Mokopuna. Do it for our Hapu. Let’s hop on the waka and paddle our Hapu Waka into the future where we are the decision MAKERs not the decision aftermath.
Next Hapu Hui is Saturday 28th Feb 2015