Tena ra kotou e nga whanau e noho mai na i o kotou wa kainga. This panui is to inform everyone of the passing away of one of our local residents GAIL WYNYARD, widow of our own John Wynyard, who passed away in 1987. I have just received word that the whanau of Gail, are having her at her home tonight and will transfer her to the marae in the morning for the night, her funeral being held Wednesday.
And so whanau that’s the update.
No reira e Gail, kua okioki koe i nga ahuatanga o tenei Ao, kua tae atu koe ki to hoa rangatira a John, otira ki a ratou katoa i te Ao Wairua, haere atu ki a ratou ma, haere atu ki te Torona o Ihoa.
Blessings to the whanau from all of us in Te Rawhiti, Noho mai kotou i nga manaakitanga o te Runga Rawa x x x
Just remembering our old times together –Whenever we met she would begin the conversation with”Hello Marara, I know you don’t like pa-kii’haas”… then I would reply…“ok, we’ll drink to that” – we would both charge our glasses and get rotten after that!! –just those memories….. brings back those times!!