Tena kotou katoa e te whanau.
Russell and I have just returned from the home of Dave (Hali) and Rena (Harata) Clarke where we were interviewed by a couple, John and Karen, but I’m sorry I don’t know their surname. They are from TV 1.
As we all know, it was a historical Hikoi although to this day, we are still in the same predicament, no better off as far as our whenua goes! But this couple wanted to capture ‘moments’ of that Hikoi unknown to the wider forum from a husband and wife team who were physically involved in the preparation and lead-up etc to that Hikoi, Harata being the Treasurer.
You all know the involvement of Uncle Moka and Hine, her mother starting the Hikoi off from Te Hapua as is shown in that famous photo of her and her mokopuna leading the way. At that time, Russell was attending Hato Petera College in Northcote, and the pupils had to get parents’ permission to attend the Hikoi over the Bridge. Russell said there were only 2 from the Kura, himself and somebody else, but on the day, 2/3rds of the Kura joined in the Hikoi! As he explained, there were so many of them that day crossing over, (Including the public) that the Bridge began to sway slowly left and right, so the Traffic Dept had to monitor and divide the Hikoi up into sections, not everyone all at once! Here I am on the other side, watching the Bridge gently swaying left and right, what could I do? but pray that everybody would get safely across.
I myself did not go on the full Hikoi, I went from North to Tamaki – I was in one of the lead cars which took me ahead to nga marae to be there when the Hikoi arrived at each place. I told this couple today that the only memorable incident I recall vividly about the Hikoi, was when we arrived at Whakapara. Their marae wasn’t built then, but we all slept in makeshift accommodation and in the morning, we all headed down to the creek for our sh/sh & sh!! That day I wore a long dark green dress and when I came back to where everybody was waiting for breakfast, this dog came along, cocked its leg and mimi-ed on me!! I must have looked like a tree!! But for me today, it was so enjoyable hearing details of the progress of the Hikoi from these two who were involved from the beginning. I believe they have, or are going to interview Unc Moka and Hine too who were very much a part of it all as well. I asked about Joe Hawke too today, but he hasn’t been too well I believe. When the Hikoi arrived in Tamaki, they were greeted by two stalwarts/kaumatua dressed in Korowai – Joe Hawke and Hali’s brother, Ken Clarke.
The couple today is returning with cameras and stuff some time later on to record. So whanau, that was my exciting morning – time to unwind now!!!
Na te kuia nei. x x x