Economic PlanPast Projects

The Urupukapuka Island Upgrade

By September 9, 2011 No Comments

Katrina Upperton,  Capital Projects – Visitor and Historic Assets for DOC, was very pleased to report that DOC was successful with the bid to upgrade the facilities on Urupukapuka.  She thanked all who gave their advice and support to the project.

The successful tender was won by Backcountry Construction Limited (Backcountry). This is a local company and is a Joint Venture (JV) partner with Te Rawhiti Enterprises Ltd. So Te Rawhiti was party to the public tender even though it was submitted under Backcountry. Back Country are skilled tradesman and do a lot of the DOC maintenence contracts around Northland. They have the tools, equipment and experience and we bring expert local labour to the table. The owner is keen to work with us as we were with him.

Our outcome was participation in the contract to supply work for Charlie and Rana and one or two others for at least 10 months.

Back Country have already worked with Rana and Charlie on Urupukapuka before and they are willing. Both Charlie and Rana will be trained in using some of the equipment. Backcountry is a good ally and partner to have.

They are due to start work on the island some time late September/early October.  Prior to the work getting underway, a blessing from the hapu will take place sometime during the week of 19th September.  The where and when will be discussed.

To complement the construction works, DOC also wants to develop quality interpretation of Urupukapuka island including the ecological, historical, recreational and cultural strands. They would like very much to work closely with hapu especially on the cultural stories. We would suggest that our stories about Urupukapuka island contribute to the more recent history of the island also.

Katrina will endeavour to provide regular updates to us and you should contact her if you have any queries in the meantime.

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