Na Te Kuia of Te Rawhiti


By January 1, 2017 2 Comments

Tena kotou e nga whanau e noho mai na i o kotou wa kainga I roto i nga manaakitanga a te Runga Rawa

This is just a quick note of Cheers and Happy New Year ‘greetings to our whanau throughout Aotearoa me te Ao Hurihuri.

I woke up this morning, being my 84th celebration of seeing the Old Year out and New Year in! – so, whanau I give thanks to our Matua i te Rangi for this privilege of being here amongst my whanau and my mokopuna as well as my 13 mokopuna tuarua – that’s not a bad effort, is it after just having only 2 children – so what I didn’t make up in children I made up for it in 9 mokopuna and 13 mokopuna tuarua!

But anyway whanau, this is not what all this is about, I just wanted to pass on to you all my sincere and heartfelt wishes for a positive New Year and the future – rather than put it on Facebook, this is more personal, I reckon.   I know we’ve all had a rather ‘up-and-down’ year this past year in one way of another, but let’s look at the future and learn from our mistakes (I’m speaking for myself here, whanau!!) – things can only improve from what we have all been through, in one way or another, …. and we just have to look at the faces of our mokopuna, and it brings it back to perspective – dunno where I’m going with this, so shall firrem up and get some more enlightenment!

It was lovely to have Mair(Mary Erceg-Mokaraka) visiting this afternoon, together with Mere Smallman and daughter Te Rewha,   but my tupuna Te Tai wasn’t here!! – tut, tut!!

OK, whanau, time for a refill, so Cheers!!

Na te kuia hanga haurangi o te marae o Te Rawhiti x x x

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Christina Hakaraia says:

    Nga mihinui kia koe hoki aunty marara bring it on 2017. Na Chrissie Hakaraia

  • Tena koe whaea. Yes by seeing, hearing and looking at our mokopuna gives us the strength and ae, everything is put into perspective. Kia Ora.
    Seen my phone? 😉
    I’m keen to step into the Resource Management Committee. Your guidance will be greatly appreciated.

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