Community NewsHui

Annual General Meeting (AGM) – 5th Oct 2013

By September 10, 2013 June 4th, 2015 No Comments

copy-LR1419_icon1.jpgIt’s that time of year again! Te Rawhiti Marae Committee will be having their annual AGM and you are welcome to attend!

When: Saturday 5th October

Where: Te Rawhiti Marae


  • Starting at 10am with morning tea.
  • AGM will start 11am Sharp with NO stopping for lunch.

Na ta rourou, na taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will be fed.


(As per the Maori Reservations Regulations 1994) sec 19 cl (3) (a -c)

  1. to Outline the position of the Marae and what has been done over the past twelve months – Chairman’s report – Audited accounts
  2. to Outline what is proposed for the next 12 months -Reports
  3. Other: This time is given over to the people to express their views in relation to the Marae.
    1. If there are any elections of trustees replacing those who have resigned this will take place here.
    2. The TRI-ELECTIONs are October 2014

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