

By October 27, 2016 3 Comments

Tena kotou e te whanau/nga whanaunga – I have just returned

home from the marae after being there for two days attending the

tangi of my whanaunga Ruangaio Tawhai/King, daughter of my

cousin Hamana Tawhai and his wife Tiahua Hau/Tawhai,

Although it was a sad occasion, it was a memorable one for me as

I hadn’t seen her for such a long time and just choice to see her

children/ their spouses and nga mokopuna – as well as her other

Sister’s (Moehau) children/spouses and nga mokopuna.   Harata and

Hali are in Te Rawhiti, so I see them and their whanau quite often.

But it brought back memories and happy days we spent at 10 Clarkes

Lane, Hobby, together with Tommy Kanapu, his parents Charlie and

Hema.   And of course we all went to Avondale College together,

Mohi and cousin Claude would spend Friday evening with us at

Rosebank Road in preparation for their attending the First 15 games

next day at whatever school they were playing.


Ruangaio was  a little bit younger than we were, but Waiheke and Paddy

were about the same age.   Mohi and I were the same age, or thereabouts.


You know whanau, I was thinking today, there are such a lot of you,

I want to hold a wananga/tikanga hui to “bring you all back to basics” –

This is no offence to the way you are all living at the moment, no, but

I think it is time that some of you ‘switched’ over to your ‘taha Maori’ –

You all missed the essence of the korero which was spoken at the

Marae and at the urupa………….

So, whanau, ….. give it a thought.


Have to fill my glass up now, (!!) so think about what I’ve said my dears.

Catch up with you another time.

X x x


Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Rhonda Tawhai says:

    Tena Koe Arnz thank you so much for putting up a panui of special time with whanau on such a memorable farewell to our Ruangaio. Particularly sad because she wasn’t ready to go. I am Waiheke and Ann’s daughter. I could not attend and although extremely gutted I am one of many & the parts are greater than the whole with my whanau there for Auntie Ruangaio’s Whanau as one. Te Rawhiti, Kaingahoa & Te Kauri the bestie place in the world I long for. I have made a heartfelt decision to sell up & come home as I can no longer stand being so far from whanau, culture & Kai.

    Nga Mihi me Te whakaaro Nui atu

    Rhonda xxxx

    • Arnz says:

      Kia ora Rhonda
      You were missed by everyone especially your sissies and your mother and brother… Hope you take comfort knowing they were all here to represent you..and they did a stellar job too..Your Uncle Wi was the best ‘dish bitch’ we have ever seen..he was at that sink like he owned the space!! Loved working with such an on to it crew..Boss Lady Mayron..the one and only..the tuara of the marae..”hardacttofollow” “staunchtothemarae””notevenhers”!

  • Joan Thompson/Taikato says:

    Such wonderful memories of the families mentioned, Hobsonville School then Avondale College. I was fortunate to catch up with Rua at my cousin Irene Waller’s tangi my Aunty Alice and Uncle Ken had lived opposite no 10 for many years.
    RIP Rua.
    Joan Thompson-Taikato

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