Fisheries PlanPast Projects

Management of Customary Fishing

By May 25, 2009 No Comments

Notification of Kaitiaki: Ngati Kuta – Patukeha Hapu

The following notice is given to regulation 6 of the Fisheries (Kaimoana Customary Fishing) Regulations 1998.

Under regulation 5 of the above Regulations, Ngati Kuta and Patukeha, being representative of tangata whenua who claim management rights over an area on the east coast of the North Island off Kaikohe, have notified the Minister of Fisheries of the Tangata Kaitaki/Tiaki (Kaitiaki).

The following have been nominated on the Kaitiaki for managing customary food-gathering for an area starting at Taukawau Point then, following the costline, generally north at Cape Wiwiki.

Ngati Kuta
  • Matutaera Clendon
  • Della Hartwell
  • Francis Hepi
  • Russell Hook
  • George Martin
  • George Riley
  • Robert Willoughby
  • Joe Ahitapu
  • Peti Ahitapu
  • Joe Bristow
  • Charlotte Tau
  • Richard Witehira
  • Ringa Witehira


The area extends generally east to the EEZ. At Cape Wiwiki, the area provides an off-shore access corridor that runs generally north-west off the east coast.

NZ Herald Article 26 February 2006

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