Marae DevelopmentPast Projects

Building Consent

By May 25, 2009 One Comment

Detailed plans need to be drawn up for the actual construction of the building. The builders will follow these. Far North District Council Building consent people approve the plans and then the Funders may be approached for funding assistance.

To produce the Building Plans, consultants are needed.

The Quantity Surveyor

The first is the Quantity Surveyor who assesses the building components and the budget to build. This was carried out by Brian Maltby (Google Maltbys to see his work). Brian detailed the costs down to the last nail for the whole Marae development at $2.6million.

Brian, like Pete, is very generous and he has donated his time free of cost. We are again indebted to Brian for this and for the generous advice he offers us to help us develop our Marae.

The Structural Engineer

He checks and designs the structure of the building. Buller, Geroge and Turkington

We need a generous Electrician, a Geo Technical Engineer (retaining walls), a waste water and sewerage designer.

The Staging of the Development

Obviously, we need to stage the development.

Stage One The Ablution block and the Waste water and Sewerage system, earthworks:

The Innoflo waste water system $110,000
Earthworks $050,000
Build Ablution Block $200,000
Total (approx) $360,000

There are ways to reduce these figures which we can talk about when we get some more detailed plans.

Stage Two The Kitchen plus dining room $500,000

Stage Three The second dining hall and the Wharehui extension $300,000

Stage 4

Set up Mahi Toi/Resource Centre/Archive $150.000
Landscape/caretakers’ cottage $160,000
Total $1,470,00
Contingencies $200,000

The figures are ballpark ones tand they will became more detailed as the drawings are finalised and the assessments are done.

The slowing of the economy need not stop our project.

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