Community NewsHui


By January 16, 2008 No Comments


Homai te pereiti mo te kai.


10am – 11am Separate hapu hui to discuss internal matters
11am – 12pm The status of the Claims

Where we join where we don’t.

What we need to decide together.

a) Decisions about our sites of significance-which ones for FNDC?

b) Our S of S group have identified 700. Do you know them? See them on a map.

c) The status of the interviews-who’s done what with whom.

12pm – 1pm The Fishery Project Progress

a) Manawahuna/Ipipiri knowledge

b) The interviews

c) The surveys and results

1pm – 1.30pm CUPPA

1.30pm – 2pm The reality of Rawhiti and economic development

a) Visuals-photos of what the place might look like when people have small businesses.

For example:

  • Do we need a few more visitors in Rawhiti so that we can benefit economically-collect the money? Why would they come?
  • The Marae and the cultural experience?
  • Is this what makes us different from other Dive Wrecks?
  • Combined with the conservation of the artificial reef and the fishery?
  • How would they come? A jetty? Seal the road? Visitor facilities? A Café? Dive School? Backpackers?

See what Rawhiti might look like.

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