Community NewsHui

Nga Hapu o te Takutai Moana

By September 23, 2009 No Comments

Date: Saturday, 3rd October, 2009

Venue: Waikare marae

Time: 10 am

Te Ngarahu

  10.00 am   Powhiri
10.50 am   Kapu ti
11.15 am  

  • Apologies 
  • Confirm previous minutes 
  • Peruse pamphlet; Treaty Settlements   

  11.30 am   Summarise confirmed strategy: 

  • Te Pae Tawhiti (vision) including a collective interpretation 
  • Kaupapa (mission) 
  • Tikanga (values) 
  • Whainga (goals) 

  11.45 pm   Treaty Settlements – Direct Negotiations 

  • Report back – Treaty Settlement Road show (to date) 
  • Review and evaluation of our current Settlement strategy 
  • Strengthening our Settlement strategy 
  • Peering into the future – how do we want a Post Settlement Entity to look like – possible options outlined 

  1.00 pm   Proposed Cluster Forum Model – Natasha Clarke
1.45 pm   He Whakaputanga; an analysis – Willow Prime
2.25 pm   Conclusion: Next date and venue/ panui
2.30 pm   Whakakapi/ Tina  

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