Learn how to pelt the feathers of native birds for use in the making of korowai (cloaks). The Department of Conservation receives dead native birds from members of the public and stores these to be used in the making of korowai. This workshop is an opportunity for skilled practitioners in this art to share their knowledge with Northland communities.
This workshop is held in co-operation with Kororareka Marae Sociey and Te Rawhiti Enterprises and DOC
Date: Saturday 17 September 2011
Time: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Cost: Free
Location: Haratu, The Strand, Russell
What you will need: Please bring rubber gloves and old clothes to work in, and a plate of kai (food) to share
Contact name: Helen Ough Dealy or David Mules
Contact phone: +64 9 403 9006 or +64 9 407 0300
Contact email: hodealy@doc.govt.nz or dmules@doc.govt.nz