Nau mai, kake mai, piki mai, nga Hapu o Ngati Kuta me Patukeha.
The Marae AGM and triennial elections will be held at
- TeRawhiti Marae on
- Saturday 22 July 2017 at
- 9.00am.
- Marae reports back to the Hapu.
- Adoption of Audited reports.
- ELECTION of trustees for the Marae.
Each Hapu will elect 4 trustees for the next three years. The trustees standing down are available to stand again for re-election if they choose. It would a good idea if the Hapu can choose their Nominations before the Hui.
The current Trustees are:
- Russell Hook
- Shirley Hakaraia
- Jaquiline Rewha
- Michelle (Barb) Elboz
- Kihi Ririnui
- Joan Taniwha
- Atarangi Norman
Any queries please contact Atarangi 0274528010